Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Painting War - German Army in WWII


Above: the difference between brown wash (left) and standard brown paint (right).
Below: Two Perry "Retreat from Moscow" figures before their white equipment straps are lined.

Above: white equipment straps blacklined with a charcoal wash.
Below: white equipment straps blacklined with a dark brown (bittersweet) wash.

COMPARISON: The backpack of the figure above had not been lined. The figure below has had the white leather on the backpack blacklined with a dark brown wash, making the details more striking and realistic.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Back in the Saddle Again!

The "Retreat from Moscow" pictures are from the last game I was able to play with the "Gig Harbor Irregulars" before we left the area. After putting 1800 miles on the car, visiting Yellowstone, Grand Teton and Jackson Hole, we arrived in Colorado Springs safely. We are still settling in; while I have not yet reported to work, I have started to paint again - ahhhh! I will try to post more pictures from local games and ongoing projects here. Thanks for your patience!

Retreat from Moscow, Game 1

Above, from left to right: Scott Murphy, Bruce Duthie and Bruce Meyer.
Above, from left to right: Murphy, Duthie, Meyer, Mikey G, Mark, John McEwan, Steve Gahn and Gene Anderson.

Above: the only new face is Kevin Smyth wearing the ball cap. The only player I failed to photograph was Gary Griess!

Retreat from Moscow - pre-game photos showing off our miniatures

The photos above are Bruce Meyer's pre-game table set up. The figures below are my contribution to the game. I think I need to "snow" their clothing.

The following pictures are figures from Bruce's impressive collection.

 The final pictures are Mikey G's units. They were, in part, from an amazing eBay find!