Saturday, January 10, 2015

Wacht am Rhein schimmwagen crew

I took a set of "A Day Out" crew and converted the driver and commander to make a pair of SS crew in a schwimmwagen as seen in many Battle of the Bulge pictures near Malmedy/St. Vith. All in all this took about a month to do during the evenings and I was pretty pleased with the results. I hope to be able to have these cast some time in the future - they're just a little late for the 70th anniversary of the "Wacht am Rhein."

Friday, January 9, 2015

These are more Murawski Miniatures Duchy of Warsaw Retreat from Moscow March Attack figures converted with extra blankets, jackets and scarves for use in Russia 1812. These are beautiful sculpts and a LOT of fun to paint.

Another Retreat from Moscow vignette


Here is another vignette for our "Retreat from Moscow" game based upon the movie "The Duellists" and featuring Perry Miniatures. The seated figure is converted from an artillery figure, the figs at the front of the cannon are from their wounded/dead set, the cannon was a gift from my friend Don Perrin and the gun equipment was scratch built. This was almost as much fun as the first vignette and considerably easier to make!